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Ancien événement - Conférence LES FRANCE

17/01/2023Séminaire « Blockchain/Web3 & IP: what the heck? » – an introduction      




2021 logo les France


Société membre de la Licensing Executives Society International
Association sans but lucratif - Loi de 1901

 1st Conference 2023 

Séminaire « Blockchain/Web3 & IP: what the heck? » – an introduction 

Location: Center Paris (8th) followed by a cocktail and by zoom

January 17, 2023
from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Au Cabinet Gide Loyrette Nouel
15 rue de Laborde, 75008 Paris


Click on the link below to watch the replay : 





Dear members,


The SME & StartUps committee invites you to participate in the Blockchain/Web3 & IP conference.


You will have the possibility to register by videoconference or on site.


The event will be held through zoom and at the Gide Law Firm : 15 rue Laborde 75008 Paris. 


Current agenda : 


5:00 pm : Introduction to LES SMEs StartUps committee
Claire Le Floch - LES FR board member & committee président / IP Director


Part 1 – Introduction (key terms and definitions) 

Historical background web1 /web2/web3, from bitcoin use case

Blockchain (crpytocurrency, self-sovereign identity..)

Smart Contracts





Moderator : Raffaele BATTAGLINI (Founder & CEO – Futura Law Firm)
Our panelists : 

Dr.Oliver SCHERENBERG  (Founder, Attorney-at-law - Scherenberg Legal and web3lex)

Alessio BALBO (Trademark  specialist – Interpatent)

Laurent NOWAK (Partner, French Trademark & Design attorney - Plasseraud IP)

Bastian BEST (Founder, EP/DE Patent attorney – BESTPATENT, patents for the digital future)


5:30 pm : Part 2 – Key topics

specific topics and issues related to the Web3 industry: 
- Licensing NFTs and the “can’t be evil” standard licenses
- Trademark protection in the Metaverse
- Safeguarding/enforcing
- IP rights in the web3
- Case law on trademark and copyright infringements in the Web3 industry
- New licensing models using blockchain/NFTs, monetization/tokenization of IP assets

Moderator : Raffaele BATTAGLINI (Founder & CEO – Futura Law Firm)

Panelists : Dr. Oliver SCHERENBERG, Alessio BALBO, Laurent NOWAK, Bastian BEST


6:30 pm: Part 3 – Focus on patent protection

Bastian Best, covering all aspects on blockchain / DLT based technologies and patents (protection):
statistics, trends, patentability aspects, interplay patents/open source. 

Moderator and panel organizer:
Romain VIDAL
(President - YMC LES France, Regional Ambassador – Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), Senior Account Executive - IPRally) 


7:00 pm : Part 4 – Q&A & Conclusions 

7:30 pm : Cocktail 



In case of questions, please contact :*

Claire Le Floch and Romain Vidal. 


*L.E.S. FRANCE vous informe que via l'adresse, les données à caractère personnel que vous communiquez font l'objet d'un traitement automatisé aux fins de gestion de votre question par notre prestataire de gestion du secrétariat.

Si vous préférez nous contacter directement, veuillez remplir le formulaire de contact en cliquant sur ce lien :


Dernière modification : 19/01/2023
