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Ancien événement - Conférence LES FRANCE

26/11/2019Second Annual Conference on the Future of Standard Essential Patents and FRAND Licensing                

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Second Annual Conference on the Future of Standard Essential Patents and FRAND Licensing

LES France and APEB are glad to invite you to the second edition of their conference cycle on standard-essential patents and FRAND.


The conference will take place on : 

Tuesday 26 november 2019
from 14:30 à 18:00


In the offices of cabinet Allen & Overy,

52 avenue Hoche, 75008 PARIS




The final programme is as follows:


o Roundtable 1: Review of the recent FRAND case-law (14:30-16:00)

This roundtable will discuss the recent decisions concerning (F)RAND issues, by comparing and contrasting the approaches taken to various issues in a number of jurisdictions.
The speakers are:
Hon. Edger Brinkman – Senior Judge, The Hague
Ryan Yagura – O'Melveny Myers, Los Angeles
Qishan Zhao – Lexfield, Beijing
Richard Vary – Bird & Bird, London
Volkmar Henke – Eisenführ Speiser, Hamburg
Moderator: David Por – Allen & Overy, Paris

o Roundtable 2: Different FRANDs for different sectors and business models, and how can they be determined? (16:30-18:00)

A large part of the FRAND debate, during the last decade, has focussed on the particular sector of handheld devices (smartphones and tablets), and on the particular technology of radio communication. As technology is evolving, it becomes more and more apparent, however, that FRAND questions arise in new sectors, whose underlying business models and economic structures differ from that of handheld devices.
This roundtable explores whether and how these different economic structures and licensing practices impact the way in which FRAND issues are to be approached, be it in terms of ways to check essentiality, identity of the parties involved, terms of the license, etc. The roundtable will also discuss, against this background what role antitrust authorities should play in regulating the sector.
The speakers are:
Brice Allibert – Commission Européenne – DG Comp
Yoshiaki Kodachi – Senior Director for Intellectual Property – JETRO
Philippe Lanet – Licensing Director – Orange
Mattia Fogliacco – CEO – Sisvel
Philippe Cassagne – Licensing Director – Thales-Gemalto
Max Olofsson – VP European Market – Avanci
Georg Kreuz – Chief IP Counsel Europe - Huawei
Moderator: Eric Stasik – Founder and Director – Avvika AB
The conference will be followed by a cocktail.


To register, click here :


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LES France.


Dernière modification : 13/11/2019
Lieu : Dans les locaux du cabinet Allen & Overy - 52 avenue Hoche, 75008 PARIS
